Comment Boards

Comments can include mini-boards which either show a static board position, or a board with a list of moves and variations than can be played through. By default, boards need to be shown by clicking on the 'Show' button, this is to prevent slowing down older browsers on pages with a large number of boards. If you are using a new browser on a fast machine, you may wish to set the 'Automatically show comment boards' option on the 'Other Settings' preferences tab.

Boards can be inserted into a comment using the analysis board or 'Copy Fen' button which has a 'Copy to Comment' option. The 'Copy Fen' option creates a static board position represented by the current position on the board.

Boards can also be inserted manually using the following syntax:

Board with Moves


Example 5.1. 

[moves start=r5k1/b2brp1p/p1pN1pn1/q1N5/1p2P3/1Q4P1/PP2B1KP/2RR4 b - - 0 1]1... Bh3+ 2. Kxh3 Bxc5 3. Bf3 Bxd6 4. Rxd6 Ne5 5. Rxf6 Kh8 6. Rd6 Rd8 7. Rxd8+ Qxd8 8. Rd1 Rd7 9. Be2 Rxd1 10. Qxd1 [/moves]

Static Position


Example 5.2. 

[fen]3q3k/5p1p/p1p5/4n3/1p2P3/6PK/PP2B2P/3Q4 b - - 0 10[/fen]