Database Related Board Buttons

The board shown on the database page has the following extra feature:

Paste Position/Moves

The paste FEN position or moves button beneath the database board allows you to paste either a FEN position or a list of moves in standard PGN format into the database in order to initialize the board to a particular position or move list.

When pasting moves, an entire PGN file is not required, so for example you could paste in 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Bg5 in order to see the Sicilian Najdorf, and start exploring further lines in that opening.


When moving through the moves in a game, the game database may indicate that it is busy loading related data, for example when loading opening explorer stats or updating the games for position list. If you want to quickly move though the moves in the game, you do not need to wait for these operations to finish before going on to the next move. If you don't want to see the opening explorer or games for position results for each position, you can press the arrow keys (or click on the forward/previous buttons) as quickly as you like, without having to wait for the data for the current position to finish loading.