Keyboard Bindings

ESC key
Escape from a text entry field, useful in annotation window when wanting to complete editing and move around the move list with the arrow keys.
Left/Right arrow
Move back and forward in the move list.
Home/End keys
Jump to start/end of the move list
Up/Down keys
Move through variations on a move. If you are in a variation, or have the parent move of a variation selected, you can cycle through the variations by using the up/down arrow keys.
Bring up the annotation window, with the current move selected for annotation.
Same as the 'a' key, brings up the annotation window, but with the comment entry set to add a comment BEFORE the current move.
Focus on comment entry area. When the annotation window is open, the 'c' key focuses on the comment text entry, if you are moving through the move list with the arrow keys, commenting on a lot of moves, you can use the 'c' key in combination with the ESC key and arrow keys to avoid having to use the mouse during game annotation.
Saves and closes the annotation window (in reality this is mostly just a close, as annotation window changes are automatically saved almost immediately after any edits).
! and ?
These toggle the good move and bad move glyphs on a move, for example if you start with 1.e4 and press '!' once, it changes to '1.e4!', if you press it again it changes to '1.e4!!', and one more press resets it back to '1.e4'.
Toggles folding on the current variation, if folding was previously not turned off, it will be turned on.
toggles 'fold all/unfold all' variations.
Traverse all moves in the move list from the current move onwards. This will allow you to visit every move in every variation in the game from the current position. In other words it will visit all moves in all variations by traversing the entire game tree, it will visit all variations and sub-variations of the current move before moving on to the next one. The traversal is relative to the starting move, so if you start within a variation it will only traverse the following moves in that variation. To traverse every move in the game, start traversing from the first move. Each time you press the 't' key, you traverse to the next move in the traverse. This can also be used as a primitive temporary bookmarking system, as once you have first pressed 't' , you can click around the move list (or move around using the arrow keys), and pressing 't' again will jump you back to the next move after the last one you visited with the last 't' press.
Start new traversal. If you've already used the 't' key, and want to start traversing from a new location, use the 'T' key.
Promote the current variation one level, this will make the current variation the parent variation, and the previous parent, the child variation. If you are promoting a variation directly off the main line, the promoted variation will become the main line, and the old main line will become a variation of the new main line.
Delete line to end. Deletes all moves from the current move onwards. Choosing the first move in the main line will delete all moves in the game, choosing the first move in a variation will delete that variation (and any sub-variation).