Player Details Page

Rating Graph
Opening Stats
Repertoire Selector

The player details page shows information relevant to a particular player. Each player who has played a game stored in the database has a player details page. There are several ways of reaching a player page, by clicking a player link on the player page, by clicking on a player link in a game search results or games for position list, or by going directly to the web address which links to the player page via a bookmark, or link posted on another web page.


The comments tab allows you to read and add comments relevant to a particular player.

Rating Graph

The player rating graph shows how the player's rating has changed over time.

Opening Stats

The player opening stats shows the most frequently played openings for the player with the white and black pieces. The 'Played' column of each table shows the total number of times the player played an opening and how the player performed , for example:

Example 4.1. 

13 (+3 -4 =6)

shows the player had played the opening 13 times, for 3 wins, 4 losses and 6 draws. You can click on any of the opening names to see the opening details page for that opening. Openings will open in the current page unless you ask your browser to open them in a new tab or window.

Repertoire Selector

When viewing a player details page, a repertoire selector is provided just above the opening explorer. This lets you choose which games of the player the explorer will show stats for. By default, both white and black games are shown, however for the white moves, this will also show stats that include games where the player whose details are being shown had played the black pieces. To view only the stats for games in which the player played one of the pieces, you can use the repertoire selector to choose either black or white pieces only. If white is chosen, then all the stats for the white moves will reflect only the games where the player played the white pieces, and the black move stats will reflect only the player's opponent moves.