Players List

Player Search
Player Table

The Player List page allows you to search for a particular player. It can also be used to identify the top players, as well as the top players by country, gender, rating range, or a particular period in history.

Player Search

You can search for players based on the following criteria:
Player Names(s)

The player names you want to search for. You can enter multiple names by separating them with semi colons, for example: Kasparov;Karpov

Player name auto-complete will be triggered after at least 3 letters have been entered. Auto-complete displays the player names that match the letters types. You can click on the player name to choose the relevant player , or continue to type letters to further refine the choices.

FIDE Id(s)

The FIDE ids of the player players you wish to search for, multiple IDs should be separated by the ';' character, for example: 4100018;600024


The minimum and maximum rating for the players you want to match. This matches the player's most recent rating.

Minimum Games Played

The minimum number of games a player must have played in order to match the search.

Year Last Played

The minimum and maximum year range that the player last played a game. This can be used to look at top players in a particular time period. If you want to see the top players currently active, then you can restrict this range to the current year.


The gender of the players that will be matched by the search. This criteria can be used to show the top male or female users.

Federation Code(s)

The chess federation of the country the matched players are currently playing under. These are three letter codes such as RUS,USA,POL etc. Multiple federation codes can be entered by separating them with semi-colons, for example: RUS;USA

Player Table

The player table includes the following columns:


The name of the player, in "lastName, firstName" format.

Last Played

The date of the most recent game played by the player in the database.


The chess federation the player most recently played for.

Max Rating

The maximum rating achieved by the player.


The most recent rating the player has achieved.


The total number of games by the player that are stored in the database.

All columns except the country column can be sorted by clicking on the column heading.