Statistics Summary

Rated Stats Summary
Activity Calendar
Problem History
Problem History Filter and Summary Statistics

The summary tab, provides an overview of the users performance across a variety of areas. If the user is a premium member, their membership level and membership expiry date are also shown at the top of the page.

The top of the summary page shows the total time spent solving (with very large solve times removed, as they are usually the result of having left a problem with the clock running). The total number of star ratings, comments and tags added to the system are also shown.

Rated Stats Summary

For each rating type the following details are shown:


The current rating.


The current RD. RD is a measure of rating stability , and is also used to determine if a user is currently active. For problem ratings, having an RD less than 70 is the trigger for becoming active. When your RD is high, you receive larger rating movements. As your RD decreases your rating becomes more stable, and you receive smaller rating adjustments.

Best and Worst Active Rating

Shows the lowest and highest rating achieved while active.

Active Rank

Shows the current rank for this rating type amongst all active users (assuming the user them self is currently active).

Best Active/Worst Active Rank

Shows the highest and lowest rank achieved for this rating type.


Shows the number of rated events for the rating type, for problems, this is the number of problems done. The number of successful and unsuccessful events are shown (Correct and failed problems for problem ratings), as is the total percentage success rate.

Average Recent time spent

The average time spent per problem attempt over recent problems.

FIDE Estimate

Blitz and Standard ratings have an associated FIDE rating estimate based on a regression equation designed to estimate FIDE rating based on analysis of several factors and their correlation with actual FIDE ratings.


The FIDE rating estimate, is just that , an estimate, while on average it is within around 150 rating points of your actual FIDE rating, however there will be large differences for some users, and therefore the estimate should not be taken too seriously.

Activity Calendar

The activity calendar shows a month by month daily view of your problem solving activity. The top of the calendar shows the current year and month along with how many problems were done for the month, how many were correct and the percentage success rate and number of hours spent solving.

Each day shows the number correct, number done and success rate. You can hover your mouse over each day to see further details of that day, including a breakdown of the different rating types, and the gain or loss for each rating type across all attempts for each rating type during that day. The total hours spent each day can also be seen on the mouse over details.

The calendar can be moved backwards and forwards in time by clicking the left and right arrows at the top of the calendar.

Problem History

The problem history table allows you to view a record of all your problem attempts, the following columns are shown on the table:


The number of the problem attempt, the most recent problem is marked 1, the second most recent 2, etc.


The date and time the attempt was made, this should be displayed relative to your local time zone.

Problem Id

The ID number of the problem attempted. The problem ids are also links, and clicking on them will go to the problem page showing that particular problem.


The problem rating before the solving attempt.


This is the type of problem set you were using when solving the problem, for example blitz, standard etc. For custom problem sets, this will show the name of the custom problem set.

Av Secs

This column shows the average solve time for this problem, this is the current average solve time, which may not be the same as the average at the time the problem was solved.

Solve Time

This shows the amount of time required to solve the problem.

After First

This column shows the amount of time spent after the first move was made. This is important in blitz mode where time after first is punished at a higher rate than time spent before the first move.

User Rating

This column shows the users new rating, and the rating change made to reach it.

Wrong Move

For tactical problems this column shows the mistake move for incorrect problems.

The history table rows are colour coded to show success and failure, with green for correct problems, and red for incorrect problems. Problems that were correct but lost rating points due to taking too long in blitz or playing too many sub-optimal moves in endgame problems are shown in a drab olive colour.

The history table can be sorted by clicking on the column headings.

Beneath the history table is a Download History button that can be used to download the entire history in a spreadsheet compatible format. This allows you to easily load your data into a spreadsheet and perform your own analysis on the data.

Problem History Filter and Summary Statistics

By clicking the Show Filters button above the problem history table, you can enter search criteria used to filter your problem attempt history. You also receive summary stats for the filtered results, such as accuracy, performance rating, average time taken etc. By performing two searches in a row, with different filter criteria,you can compare the differences between your solving patterns based on the different filtering criteria. For example how your performance differs across different time periods, or different tag types, or how performance changes when you take different amounts of time on a problem. The following list describes the available filters:

Duplicate Status

Selects if matching problems including all attempts, or only duplicates or non-duplicates.


Duplicate status is only accurate for problem attempts made after 26th of June 2010.

Problem Type

Allows you to choose if all problem attempts, or only tactic or endgame problems will be returned.

Correct Status

Allows you to filter based on correct or incorrect problem attempts.

Tactic Type

Allows you to select problems based on tags, for example selecting Pin and Attraction tags, will only return problem attempts tagged with at least one of those tags (in other words multiple selections are treated as "tag 1" OR "tag 2" OR "tag 3").

Endgame Type

Filters endgame problems based on the endgame type of the problem, like tactic type filtering multiple selections are treated as "type 1" OR "type 2" OR "type 3".

Problem Set

Allows filtering based on the problem set an attempt came from. As well as the official rated Standard, Blitz, Theory and Practice sets, you can also choose any of your custom sets here.

Time Used

Filters based on the number of seconds used to solve a problem, for example chosing a range of 0 to 10 will return all problems solved in 10 seconds or less.

Date Range

Choose the time range to filter problems attempts by. This filter criteria can be useful in comparing performance changes over time, for example by comparing the previous 6 months, to the 6 month period before that.

Attempt Range

Allows you to filter based on sequential attempt number, like the Date Range filter , this can also be used to compare performace over time, for example, comparing problem attempts 1-1000 to problem attempts 1001-2000. Problem attempt number 1 is always the most recent attempt, so as the number for the end of the range grows, you are looking at older problem attempts.

Problem Rating Range

Allows filtering on the rating of your problem attempts.

User Rating Range

Allows filtering on your rating during your problem attempts. For example setting the range to 1200-1400 would return problem attempts done while your rating was in that range.

Points Gained

Filter attempts based on how many rating points you gained (or lost). For example setting the range to -100 to 0 would return problem attempts where you either gained no points, or lost up to as much as 100 points. This kind of filter is useful for blitz or endgame filtering, where being correct is not the only measure of problem success.

After clicking on the Filter button, you will be given a list of summary stats for the matching problems, and if you had performed a previous filter, a comparison between the current filter and previous filter will be shown in the "Change" column. The following summary statistics are provided:

Performance Rating

A performance rating based only on the current filtered results.


Peformance rating is based purely on success rate and problem rating, it does not include elements such as time taken, or number of moves, even if the problem attempts were done in blitz or an endgame mode.

Average User Rating

Average rating of the user across the filtered problem attempts.

Best User Rating

Best rating of the user across the filtered problem attempts.

Worst User Rating

Worst rating of the user across the filtered problem attempts.

Best Percentile Rank

Best percentile rank of the user across the filtered problem attempts.

Worst Percentile Rank

Worst percentile rank of the user across the filtered problem attempts.


Percentage accuracy achieved over the filtered problem attempts.

Average Time

Your own average solve time over the filtered problem attempts.

Average Time All Solvers

The average solve time of all users on the problems in your filtered problem attempts. Comparing this to the "Average Time" of your own solve times gives you an idea of how your solve times compare to the average for the current filter.

Average Time Correct

Shows the average of your own solve time for filtered attempts that were correct.

Average Time Incorrect

Shows the average of your own solve time for filtered attempts that were incorrect.

Average Time After First

Shows the average time taken to solve the filtered problems after your first move.

Average Problem Rating

The average problem rating of filter attempts. Gives you an estimate of the difficulty of the filtered problems.

Highest Problem Rating

The highest rating of any problem in your filtered problem attempts.

Lowest Problem Rating

The lowest rating of any problem in your filtered problem attempts.

Total Non-Duplicates

The total number of non-duplicate problem attempts in your filtered problem attempts.


Duplicate status is only accurate for problem attempts made after 26th of June 2010.

Total Duplicates

The total number of duplicate problem attempts in your filtered problem attempts.


Duplicate status is only accurate for problem attempts made after 26th of June 2010.

Total Time Taken (including outliers)

The total time taken across all your filtered problem attempts.

Total Points Gained

The rating points gained across all your filtered problem attempts.